Dead trees are an eyesore in your yard or commercial space and instantly suggest neglect to the casual observer; probably not the message you want to send out. They can also take up a lot of space and potentially interfere with access. But one problem is often forgotten which is that they can be a source of disease for other healthy plants and they are often a magnet for critters which you may not want to have in your yard. So give us a call today and have that dead tree cut to size and taken away – including those tough stumps that are so hard to shift and pose such a threat to things like lawn mowers and car tires passing over them.
No matter how big it is we can cut a tree down to size and dispose of it. Often trees need more than just a chain saw to cut them to size safely. The presence of overhead power cables, nearby structures, and passers by means that safely removing a tree is a professional job involving rigging skills as well as sawing. We take care of all of that and can either slice up the trunk to sizes that are easily trucked away or recycle the wood in a way that you can use. That could be as firewood (depending on the wood type and condition) or in some cases we can use a chipping machine to convert that dead tree into wood chips that can be used in your yard to help encourage the growth of other trees. Talk to us today about how we can not only make that dead tree disappear but recycle it for the benefit of your outdoor spaces.
No two ways about it; the best way of removing a tree stump is with a tree stump grinding machine. Stump grinders use a hydraulically operated toothed wheel to move back and forth chewing out a tree stump down to a depth of around twenty inches beneath the soil surface. The process is so thorough that you can usually plant a new tree directly into the same spot if you want to replace the fallen tree.
Stump grinders are easily the best way of digging out a stump but there are times when they can't be brought into play because of the lay of the land or due to seriously limited access. When that's the case we can resort to good old fashioned manpower and while a lot slower we will aim to give you just as effective results – although you can expect it to take a little longer.
Some customers find themselves with a tree that they want to keep, but a network of surface roots that are getting in the way or breaking up concrete and asphalt surfaces. Removing surface roots is a job for professionals since not only can they be tough customers but it takes expert assessment to ensure that the roots can be cut or ground away without killing the tree.
Tree Removal Long Island by Cutting Edge Tree & Landscaping
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